Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm Going Back!

Dear Friends and Family, 
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." - James 1:27
         God has opened up an amazing opportunity to serve in Jinja, Uganda at Good Shepherd’s Fold orphanage (GSF)! The purpose and vision of GSF is evangelizing the orphan and destitute children of Uganda with the good news of Jesus Christ, while also providing for their physical, educational and medical needs. Christ-like service and love are the heartbeat of this ministry. I interned at this orphanage for eight weeks last summer, and I learned what a Christ-centered orphanage looks like. Moreover, God broke my heart for the children of Uganda day after day. I got to love on them, teach them, and show them the character of Jesus Christ from the early hours of the morning to the wee hours of night, waking up each morning invigorated and refreshed by God’s pleasure to do it all again. The challenges of being in a new culture, living without the conveniences so often swallowing my life in America, dealing with dirt and bugs literally everywhere, and being apart from my family and friends were miniscule compared to the joy of serving God and His children at GSF. After returning to America from GSF, the Community Evangelical Free Church missions committee and GSF spent a month praying about me possibly returning to the orphanage after I graduate from studying Child Development and Christian Ministry. Now that I have (almost) graduated from LeTourneau University, I am eager to return to GSF and continue serving God through orphanage work!

My Sunday School class that I taught at GSF last summer!
My position on the GSF team will be the Sponsorship Coordinator. This role is crucial to the ministry, as Child Sponsorship is the main way that GSF is financially funded. Although this will be my primary task, other roles will likely involve managing craft sales, teaching Sunday School, and a host of other opportunities to interact with the children at GSF. I plan on leaving for GSF in July and fulfilling a two-year agreement.
I am very passionate about this calling on my life, but I know that it cannot happen without the support of my community. I have been blessed with a home church that follows the Biblical model for missions: Community Evangelical Free Church is calling, equipping, sending, and supporting me. However, I would also love for you to be a part of this venture! In order to make this happen, I will send out update emails, newsletters, and blog. So what can you do? I would love for you contribute your most powerful tool: prayer. James 5:16 says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” What I need most are people committed to pray for me. If you would be willing to commit yourself to my prayer team, please email, call, or just leave a comment on this post. As my time of departure for Uganda approaches, I will keep you updated regarding prayer requests and other information. As of now, please pray for the following:
-       Spiritual preparation before I depart for GSF.
-       Diligence as I finish my final weeks at LeTourneau University
-       Fruitful time with friends and family in America
Thank you for considering being a part of my team!  If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me via phone, email, or comment! I appreciate your prayers and support. I am excited to serve God through this undertaking.
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other." - John 15:16,17 
In Christ,
Corinne Stoltzfus

If you would like to make a financial contribution to this trip, please send or give me cash or check (address is provided above). Checks can be written out to Community Evangelical Free Church with “Good Shepherd’s Fold” written in the memo. You may also contribute to the GSF ministry by sponsoring a child at the orphanage! Email me if this interests you!
52S. Brick Lane, Elverson, PA 19520
Phone: 610.301.7775

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